Tanning bed and skin cancer - The outcome of sunburns

Tanning bed and skin cancer - The outcome of sunburns

  • 5 sterren, gebaseerd op 1 stemmen
  • Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online
  • Health experts have warned that the risk of skin cancer from tanning beds is two times higher than spending the same length of time in the Mediterranean midday summer sun
  • In fact
  • There are 400 tanning beds which have been examined 400 tanning beds by some British scientists who have advanced that the levels of ultraviolet radiation which the beds consist of are extremely harmful for the human skin
  • Indeed
  • Scientific researchers have brought up evidence showing that the average power of the tanning beds' radiation was almost two times the suggested limit
  • Meanwhile
  • A skin cancer awareness group have voiced out in a formal complaint lodged with the Federal Trade Commission that Jersey Shore a recently canceled MTV reality show with the motto: gym
  • Tan
  • Laundry is a health hazard
48.99 €
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MottoGym tan laundry is a health hazard Campaigners are sensitizing sunbed users about the risks and dangers associated to sunbeds and they are urging people to think twice before risking their health for a tan

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