Impiantistica nelle gallerie stradali - Ottimizzazione dei consumi di energia elettrica nelle gallerie stradali
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Experimentos no ensino de Química - Relação com o saber profissional

Experimentos no ensino de Química - Relação com o saber profissional

48.80 €

É consensual entre diversos autores que as atividades experimentais são importantes para o ensino de Química e mesmo a crença dos professores em seu caráter transformador, este é um assunto pouco frequente. Não é difícil constatar que as atividades experimentais são raramente utilizadas pela maioria dos professores brasileiros.

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Das Leib-Konzept als Bindeglied zwischen Medizin und Psychotherapie - Überlegungen und Erfahrungsberichte zu einem ganzheitlichen Vorgehen

Das Leib-Konzept als Bindeglied zwischen Medizin und Psychotherapie - Überlegungen und Erfahrungsberichte zu einem ganzheitlichen Vorgehen

29.89 €

Die Perspektive auf den Menschen hat mit den Errungenschaften der Naturwissenschaft seit Isaac Newton eine massive Einengung erfahren. Der Mensch wird in den meisten Zusammenhängen auf das naturwissenschaftlich Beschreibbare reduziert.

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Wspó zale no pomi dzy etyk katolick i wzrostem gospodarczym - Przyk ad wybranych krajów europejskich

Wspó zale no pomi dzy etyk katolick i wzrostem gospodarczym - Przyk ad wybranych krajów europejskich

51.99 €

W XX-wiecznej teorii wzrostu gospodarczego, postawy i warto ci reprezntowane przez cz owieka nie odgrywa y istotnej roli. Jednostka, b d ca motorem wszelkiej dzia alno ci gospodarczej, sprowadzona zosta a do ujednoliconego, racjonalnego kapita u ludzkiego.

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Auf den Spuren des systemischen Konstrukts der Neutralität - Die Neutralität - ein Konstrukt in der systemischen Therapie

Auf den Spuren des systemischen Konstrukts der Neutralität - Die Neutralität - ein Konstrukt in der systemischen Therapie

41.89 €

Der systemische Therapeut orientiert sich in seiner Arbeit an der Grundhaltung der Neutralität. Er stärkt den Klienten in seiner Autonomie und hilft ihm für sich die passende Lösung zu finden.

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Die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit als Kriterium für die Schulreife? - Der Einfluss der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit auf die Schulfähigkeit eines Kindes

Die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit als Kriterium für die Schulreife? - Der Einfluss der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit auf die Schulfähigkeit eines Kindes

39.89 €

Mit der Einschulung und den damit verbundenen ersten Schuleindrücken beginnt für alle Kinder ein ganz neuer Lebensabschnitt. Ein nicht gelungener Schuleintritt kann große Auswirkungen auf die weitere Schullaufbahn haben und die Entwicklung des Kindes negativ beeinflussen.

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Planejamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) - Na ótica dos gestores municipais

Planejamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) - Na ótica dos gestores municipais

35.89 €

O Sistema de Planejamento do SUS criado pelo Ministério da Saúde, a partir da revisão de todos os instrumentos de gestão do SUS e da redefinição das responsabilidades de cada gestor, em função das necessidades de saúde da população e da busca da equidade social, utiliza como instrumentos básicos, o Plano de Saúde (PS), a Programação Anual de Saúde (PAS) e o Relatório Anual de Gestão (RAG). A Lei Federal Nº 8.

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Does love reduce marks? - The impact of girlfriends on academic performance

Does love reduce marks? - The impact of girlfriends on academic performance

35.89 €

Based on evolutionary and mate selection theories, I examined the causal impact of having a girlfriend on universitary male students¿ academic performance. Using cross-sectional data from surveys in Universidad de Andrés (Buenos Aires, Argentina), I found some evidence that being involved in a relationship improves academic performance.

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Pupila e cirurgia refrativa - Avaliação da qualidade visual e comportamento pupilar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia refrativa a laser

Pupila e cirurgia refrativa - Avaliação da qualidade visual e comportamento pupilar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia refrativa a laser

28.89 €

A influência do comportamento pupilar no resultado dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ceratorrefrativa a laser sempre foi exaustivamente estudada para se tentar minimizar as queixas visuais no pós-operatório. Este estudo possibilitou analisar a satisfação visual de cada paciente em função do diâmetro pupilar, ametropia, zona óptica e zona de transição utilizando-se como ferramentas um pupilômetro com luz infravermelha e o questionário de avaliação visual VQF 25 no pré e pós-operatório.

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Measuring Organisational Agility - Emphasising how the Practices of Agility can bring success to the Pharmaceutical Industry

Measuring Organisational Agility - Emphasising how the Practices of Agility can bring success to the Pharmaceutical Industry

49.89 €

As the world is approaching towards 21st century, business achievement and survival are becoming more challenging to ensure. The main factors, which continue to roil the traditional business, are recession rifts, the emergence of a new competitor, changes in the rate of commodities & currency and continuous volatility in customer demands.

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Psychology-oriented Artificial Society Model - Studying Decision Making Process in Society

Psychology-oriented Artificial Society Model - Studying Decision Making Process in Society

29.89 €

To understand nature is to describe it in proper methods. Here, we consider human or human activity is a part of nature.

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Models of Collaboration - Comparative analysis of Kyrgyzstani and Kazakhstani rural societies

Models of Collaboration - Comparative analysis of Kyrgyzstani and Kazakhstani rural societies

35.89 €

The comparative study of countryside cases is aimed at the identi cation and interpretation of speci c practice of "collaborative models" observed within the rural contexts of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Republics. It employs an overview of the Resource Mobilization Theory by Bob Edwards (2007), as an approach for investigation of main differences and commonalities of mutual communal activities, aimed on acquisition of social changes and other rural benefits, analyzing experiences, interactions and practices of villagers within their own rural realities.

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New binomial and new view on light theory - About one new universal descriptive geometric model

New binomial and new view on light theory - About one new universal descriptive geometric model

32.89 €

The book is devoted to research of distribution of light in narrow beams of light (including laser beams). Such approach corresponds to approach of the great Italian physicist and mathematician and Jesuit F.

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Let's Talk About Me - Testimonies of Entrepreneurial Women

Let's Talk About Me - Testimonies of Entrepreneurial Women

27.89 €

These narratives of entrepreneurial women of Milpa Alta are the written expression of various sessions of therapeutic work, where we constructed spaces for listening and creating a collective. It is an experience that teaches us how we can define values and the meaning of life through shared reflections guided by a specialist and analysis of one s own existence.

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Notificação da violência infanto-juvenil nas unidades de emergência - Atuação e dificuldades de profissionais

Notificação da violência infanto-juvenil nas unidades de emergência - Atuação e dificuldades de profissionais

35.89 €

O Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas na Infância e Adolescência/NNEPA, implantado em 1997, faz parte do Departamento de Saúde da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana/UEFS, integra o Programa de Pós Graduação em Saúde Coletiva/PPGSC e cadastrado no diretório de pesquisa do CNPq. Conta com a participação de professores - pesquisadores, assistentes - colaboradores, alunos de iniciação científica (CNPq, FAPESB e UEFS) dos cursos de graduação e mestrandos do PPGSC/UEFS.

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Embodied Language meets Virtual Reality - The first steps towards the study of the relationships between language and motor system in virtual environments

Embodied Language meets Virtual Reality - The first steps towards the study of the relationships between language and motor system in virtual environments

33.89 €

This book aims at discussing the role of action and motor system in language processing. The link between language and action is not a totally new issue, but the interest towards it has been renewed by the discovery of the mirror neuron system.

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Leucine Supplementation Prevents Obesity - Effects and Mechanisms

Leucine Supplementation Prevents Obesity - Effects and Mechanisms

35.89 €

The obesity epidemic affects approximately a third of all North Americans and has become a leading health concern due to its link to insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Traditionally, prevention and treatment of obesity mainly depend on caloric restriction and increasing physical activity.

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Impact of quality assurance practices in higher education institutions - Evidences of Learner and Faculty Satisfaction from Pakistani Higher Education Institutions

Impact of quality assurance practices in higher education institutions - Evidences of Learner and Faculty Satisfaction from Pakistani Higher Education Institutions

38.23 €

Higher education in most countries is considered by development, resource scarcity, responsibility to more participants and the growing complexity of knowledge. In line with trends in the developed world, Pakistan have taken steps to establish similar national quality assurance systems in order to ensure international credibility of the programs offered in local public and private universities, thus making their higher education systems competitive on the global market.

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Exploring Opportunities And Challenges Of Special Needs Education - The Case Of Adama Number Two Primary School

Exploring Opportunities And Challenges Of Special Needs Education - The Case Of Adama Number Two Primary School

35.89 €

The focus of this qualitative study is to explore the opportunities and challenges of special needs education at Adama town. The cornerstone of students with disabilities is the availability of special needs.

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Impiantistica nelle gallerie stradali - Ottimizzazione dei consumi di energia elettrica nelle gallerie stradali

Impiantistica nelle gallerie stradali - Ottimizzazione dei consumi di energia elettrica nelle gallerie stradali

48.99 €

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