

  • 5 sterne, basierend auf 1 bewertungen
  • Malen ist für alle Kinder eine Übung
  • Die viel Spaß macht
  • Sie lernen sich durch Kunst auszudrücken und dadurch entwickeln sie nützliche Fähigkeiten
  • Die ihnen für den Rest des Lebens helfen werden
  • Dieses Malbuch inspiriert Wohlbefinden
  • Ruhe und stimuliert außerdem die Gehirnbereiche
  • Die für die Motorik
  • Die Sinne und Kreativität gebraucht werden
  • Welche für die Entwicklung eines Kindes sehr wichtig sind
  • Dieses Malbuch ist nur eins in einer Serie
15.00 €
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Technische Mathematik und Datenauswertung für Laborberufe

Technische Mathematik und Datenauswertung für Laborberufe

36.30 €

Das Standardwerk für die Ausbildung im Bereich fachbezogener Berechnungen im Chemielabor sowie der Labordaten- und Prozessdatenauswertung.Die 8.

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China Ethnic Statistical Yearbook 2020

China Ethnic Statistical Yearbook 2020

120.99 €

This fully updated edition of the China Ethnic Statistic Yearbook, comprised of entirely original research, presents data on the socioeconomic situation of China’s 56 ethnic groups. ,Although the majority of China’s population is of the Han nationality (which accounts for more than 90% of China’s population), the non-Han ethnic groups have a population of more than 100 million.

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ISA-Jahrbuch zur Sozialen Arbeit 2021

ISA-Jahrbuch zur Sozialen Arbeit 2021

14.90 €

Der Band greift unterschiedlichste Aspekte der Gestaltung von Bildung und Teilhabe in gesellschaftlichen Umbruchprozessen mit erhöhtem Veränderungsdruck auf. Zu nennen sind hiermit sowohl die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf verschiedene Arbeitsfelder der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe wie auch die Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung, des demografischen Wandels und des Strukturwandels für gelingendes Aufwachsen in kommunalen Bildungslandschaften.

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From the world-renowned cookery school, comes an essential guide to making pizza at home.

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Kleine Botanische Experimente

Kleine Botanische Experimente

22.30 €

Über 60 einfache und schnell durchführbare Experimente mit Pflanzen, die man leicht im Garten oder im Wald findet, beschreibt diese Anleitung.Sie ist entstanden aus Führungen, die eine der Autorinnen seit vielen Jahren in "ihrem" Garten, dem Palmengarten der Stadt Frankfurt, anbietet.

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Monetary Policy Implementation in East Asia

Monetary Policy Implementation in East Asia

134.98 €

This book shares essential insights into the implementation of monetary policy in various East Asian countries. Highlighting case studies from China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Singapore, leading economists and practitioners from central banks illustrate how dependent effective monetary policy is on the institutional and financial market environment, as well as on successful implementation and communication.

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Just Ask!

Just Ask!

19.03 €

'A trusted referral is the holy grail of advertising' - Mark Zuckerberg The fastest, easiest, most sustainable way to bring in new clients and grow sales is to ask for referrals from existing clients. And yet most sales people don't ask, or if they do, they end up making themselves and their client feel awkward.

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Store Book 2018

Store Book 2018

89.00 €

Das wichtigste Jahrbuch der Ladenbau-Branche versammelt die Best-cases aus Shop-Design und Retail-Architektur. Die Vielfalt der Konzepte erstreckt sich über alle Bereiche und wird in den Kategorien Body & Mind, Food & Drinks, Fashion & Accessoires, Lifestyle & Communication, Boots & High Heels und Active & Travel präsentiert.

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Bho Chluaidh Gu Calasraid - From the Clyde to Callander, Gaelic Songs, Poetry, Tales and Traditions of the Lennox and Menteith in Gaelic with English

Bho Chluaidh Gu Calasraid - From the Clyde to Callander, Gaelic Songs, Poetry, Tales and Traditions of the Lennox and Menteith in Gaelic with English

22.93 €

Although Gaelic no longer resounds through the Lennox and Mentieth as it once did, this volume demonstrates that its rich heritage of literature and folklore deserves to be rediscovered and reclaimed by new generations. Gaelic was once spoken by its earls and chieftains, farmers and fishermen, into the twentieth century.

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Solo Leveling 03

Solo Leveling 03

16.00 €

Seitdem Portale die reale Welt mit Dungeons voller Monster verbinden, sind Menschen mit speziellen Fähigkeiten erwacht. Sie sorgen für die öffentliche Sicherheit, indem sie die Dungeons bewältigen.

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AI-Enabled Threat Detection and Security Analysis for Industrial IoT

AI-Enabled Threat Detection and Security Analysis for Industrial IoT

131.75 €

This contributed volume provides the state-of-the-art development on security and privacy for cyber-physical systems (CPS) and industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). More specifically, this book discusses the security challenges in CPS and IIoT systems as well as how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can be used to address these challenges.

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Rezepte aus dem Garten der Oliven

Rezepte aus dem Garten der Oliven

25.00 €

»Hier, in der Finca Garden of Lemons, inmitten eines großen Zitronenhains und wunderschöner alter Olivenbäume am Fuße der Sierra Nevada, haben wir unser neues Kochbuch Rezepte aus dem Garten der Oliven geschrieben. Im Garden of Lemons produzieren wir unsere eigenen Oliven und unser eigenes Olivenöl, beides sind gesunde Bestandteile unserer täglichen Ernährung.

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The Village of Eight Graves

The Village of Eight Graves

11.50 €

The third title in Japan's most popular murder mystery series -- after The Honjin Murders and The Inugami Curse -- fiendish classics featuring investigator Kosuke Kindaichi.Translated into English for the first time.

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Orks und Goblins. Band 11 - Kronan

Orks und Goblins. Band 11 - Kronan

16.00 €

Das Reich Antarya steckt in einer schweren Krise, nachdem seine Königin Nawell den Verstand verloren hat. In ihrem Wahn statuiert sie an ihren eigenen Soldaten ein Exempel und lässt diese öffentlich hinrichten.

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Schriften zum Drama

Schriften zum Drama

24.90 €

Regisseure, Autoren, Schauspieler. »Wie diese drei miteinander auskommen: die Beziehung zwischen Autor, Regisseur, Schauspieler ist unvermeidlich eine Frage auch der Theorie, nicht nur der herstellenden Praxis«, so Ivan Nagel.

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Machine Learning for Economics and Finance in TensorFlow 2 - Deep Learning Models for Research and Industry

Machine Learning for Economics and Finance in TensorFlow 2 - Deep Learning Models for Research and Industry

42.41 €

Machine learning has taken time to move into the space of academic economics. This is because empirical research in economics is concentrated on the identification of causal relationships in parsimonious statistical models, whereas machine learning is oriented towards prediction and is generally uninterested in either causality or parsimony.

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Immigrant Integration in Europe - A Subjective Well-Being Perspective

Immigrant Integration in Europe - A Subjective Well-Being Perspective

132.85 €

This topical book sheds light on immigrants’ subjective well-being by analysing the main factors associated with self-reported life satisfaction among immigrants and natives. It thereby draws upon subjective components of well-being, which are now receiving growing attention in well-being research.

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Conservation of Tropical Coral Reefs - A Review of Financial and Strategic Solutions

Conservation of Tropical Coral Reefs - A Review of Financial and Strategic Solutions

66.25 €

This book critically engages with how the conservation of tropical coral reefs is financed. Beginning with the context of tropical coral reef degradation and loss, alongside an overview of tropical ecology, global environmental policy and finance, the book reviews several conservation financing instruments.

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Keywords in Sound

Keywords in Sound

26.67 €

In twenty essays on subjects such as noise, acoustics, music, and silence, Keywords in Sound presents a definitive resource for sound studies, and a compelling argument for why studying sound matters. Each contributor details their keyword's intellectual history, outlines its role in cultural, social and political discourses, and suggests possibilities for further research.

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Habitat, Ecology and Ekistics - Case Studies of Human-Environment Interactions in India

Habitat, Ecology and Ekistics - Case Studies of Human-Environment Interactions in India

138.99 €

This volume uses an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to assess various issues resulting from human-environment interactions in relation to sustainable development. The book ,encompasses theoretical and applied aspects, using both thematic and regional case studies from India, to highlight the impact of human-environment interactions at various spatio-temporal scales, with each study focusing on a particular anthropogenic issue, particularly in an Indian context.

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Paries, J: Resilience Engineering in Practice

Paries, J: Resilience Engineering in Practice

65.89 €

Resilience engineering depends on four abilities: the ability a) to respond to what happens, b) to monitor critical developments, c) to anticipate future threats and opportunities, and d) to learn from past experience - successes as well as failures. They provide a structured way of analysing problems and proposing practical solutions.

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My Big Book of Sewing

My Big Book of Sewing

15.21 €

Over sixty stitching and sewing projects to bring about stylish clothes, bags, accessories, toys and gifts.

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Renegotiating Film Genres in East Asian Cinemas and Beyond

Renegotiating Film Genres in East Asian Cinemas and Beyond

125.83 €

This book brings together nine original chapters to examine genre agency in East Asian cinema within the transnational context. It addresses several urgent and pertinent issues such as the distribution and exhibition practices of East Asian genre films, intra-regional creative flow of screen culture, and genre’s creative response to censorship.

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China Rich Girlfriend

China Rich Girlfriend

12.28 €

Kevin Kwan was born and raised in Singapore and lives in New York City. He has worked in magazine publishing and as a creative consultant to publishers and authors.

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Animal Pot Covers

Animal Pot Covers

11.17 €

Liebe Häkelfans, Ihre Homedeko braucht ein modernes Upgrade? In diesem Anleitungsheft verraten wir Ihnen, wie Sie einfache Übertöpfe in supercoole Tiere verwandeln.

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Violence against women

Violence against women

54.00 €

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Violence against women is a technical term used to refer to violent acts that are exclusively committed against women.

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Heliosphere 2265 - Der Fraktal-Zyklus 1 - Dunkle Fragmente (Bände 1-4)

Heliosphere 2265 - Der Fraktal-Zyklus 1 - Dunkle Fragmente (Bände 1-4)

14.90 €

Am 01. November 2265 übernimmt Captain Jayden Cross das Kommando über die Hyperion.

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HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy for Healthcare (featuring articles by Michael E. Porter and Thomas H. Lee, MD)

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy for Healthcare (featuring articles by Michael E. Porter and Thomas H. Lee, MD)

21.29 €

Prepare for an uncertain future with a solid vision and innovative practices.Is your healthcare organization spending too much time on strategy--with too little to show for it?

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12.31 €

Liebe DIY Fans, in diesem Heft findet Ihr zwölf moderne Modelle zum Stricken, Häkeln und Knüpfen aus unseren Creative Loopy und Creative Can Can Garnen. Die Homedeko reicht von (Sitz-)Kissen, Körben und Teppichen über Blumenampeln und Wandbehänge bis hin zu Girlanden und Kränzen.

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Sexual health

Sexual health

54.00 €

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. In the Irish Republic there is an absolute ban on all abortions and the opening of the abortion services, although limited, creates the prospect of women from the republic being able to legally terminate their pregnancies on the island for the first time.

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Einführung in die interkulturelle Literatur

Einführung in die interkulturelle Literatur

22.00 €

Die Einführung konzeptualisiert, historisiert und reflektiert den Gegenstand interkultureller Literaturwissenschaft und macht deutlich, dass die interkulturelle Literatur im deutschsprachigen Raum über eine lange Geschichte verfügt. Aktuell steht sie ganz unter den Vorzeichen von Migration und Internationalisierung.

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The State of Coma

The State of Coma

49.00 €

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Coma is defined as a state of unconsciousness lasting more than six hours, in which a person cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound, lacks a normal sleep-wake cycle and does not initiate voluntary actions.

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Freiheit - Vier Variationen über Zuwendung und Zwang

Freiheit - Vier Variationen über Zuwendung und Zwang

26.00 €

Maggie Nelson wirft Fragen auf, die uns dazu auffordern, neu über Freiheit nachzudenken. Nach "Bluets" und "Die Argonauten" verknüpft sie erneut gekonnt Philosophie mit radikaler Kritik.

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Ethanol Intoxication

Ethanol Intoxication

59.00 €

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Alcohol intoxication is the physiological state induced by the consumption of alcohol, which builds up in the bloodstream faster than it can be metabolized by the liver.

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iPhone 5

iPhone 5

49.00 €

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. With its iPhone 5, Apple once again tops up the record-breaking sales chart across the whole globe.

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Ragnar Axelsson - Where the World is Melting

Ragnar Axelsson - Where the World is Melting

49.90 €

Seit über 40 Jahren fotografiert Ragnar Axelsson (geb. 1958) Menschen, Tiere und Landschaften in den entlegensten Regionen Grönlands, Islands und Sibiriens.

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Between the Woods and the Water

Between the Woods and the Water

14.96 €

econd part of the travel classic, following "A Time Of Gifts". Both feature the original John Craxton illustrated covers.

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Das Feuer im Furlbachtal

Das Feuer im Furlbachtal

12.90 €

Es brennt im Kreis Gütersloh. Ziel der Anschläge sind zumeist hochwertige Autos, aber auch Mülltonnen und Gartenschuppen.

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15.00 €


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