Live Well Every Day

Live Well Every Day

  • 5 sterne, basierend auf 1 bewertungen
  • THE NO
  • 1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWhat can you change today
  • And not put off until tomorrow
  • Dr Alex is on a mission to empower us to make our own health choices
  • Take positive control and feel equipped and inspired to make those small changes today that energise and future-proof for life
  • 'Health and happiness come from the cumulative effects of many small and positive daily changes to our lifestyle
  • It's about building sustainable and healthy habits taking small and purposeful steps to a healthy future
  • By the end of the book
  • I hope my readers have developed their own bespoke health toolkit to be used across every aspect of their lives
  • And to make long-lasting and meaningful change
23.00 €
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